Program Listing for File eventfilter.cpp

Return to documentation for file (processors/eventfilter/eventfilter.cpp)

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// This file is part of falcon-core.
// Copyright (C) 2015, 2016, 2017 Neuro-Electronics Research Flanders
// Falcon-server is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Falcon-server is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with falcon-core. If not, see <>.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------

#include "eventfilter.hpp"

#include <algorithm>
#include <chrono>
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>

void DetectionCriterionValue::from_yaml(const YAML::Node &node) {
  auto v =<std::string>();

  if (v == "any") {
  } else if (v == "all") {
  } else {
    Value<SlotType, false>::from_yaml(node);

EventFilter::EventFilter() : EventSync() {
  add_option("block duration", blockout_time_,
             "The duration over which events will be filtered out "
             "following the arrival of a blocking event.");

  add_option("block wait time", block_wait_time_,
             "The waiting time after a target event has been received "
             "to check if any blocking event also occurred.");

  add_option("sync time", sync_time_,
             "Time interval over which incoming events are considered to be "

  add_option("discard warnings", discard_warnings_,
             "Do not emit warnings for discarded events.");

      "detection criterion", detections_to_criterion_,
      "The criterion for triggering a detection, which is the number of "
      "input slots with a target event. Acceptable values range from 1 to "
      "the total number of input slots. A value of 0 or 'all' is equivalent "
      "to the total number of input slots. A value of 'any' is equivalent to "

void EventFilter::CreatePorts() {
  data_in_port_ =
      create_input_port<EventType>(EVENTDATA, EventType::Capabilities(),
                                   PortInPolicy(SlotRange(1, 256), false, 0));

  block_in_port_ =
      create_input_port<EventType>("blocking events", EventType::Capabilities(),
                                   PortInPolicy(SlotRange(1, 256), false, 0));

  data_out_port_ = create_output_port<EventType>(
      EVENTDATA, EventType::Capabilities(),

void EventFilter::Prepare(GlobalContext &context) {
  auto nslots = data_in_port_->number_of_slots();

  // complete Configure
  if (detections_to_criterion_() == 0) {
    detections_to_criterion_ = nslots;

  // check detections_to_criterion value
  if (detections_to_criterion_() < 1 || detections_to_criterion_() > nslots) {
    auto err_msg = std::string("Invalid number of detections to criterion.") +
                   "It must be a number between 1 and " +
                   std::to_string(nslots) + ".";
    throw ProcessingPrepareError(err_msg, name());
  LOG(INFO) << name() << ". Criterion for triggering an event is set to "
            << detections_to_criterion_() << " events.";
  LOG(INFO) << name()
            << ". Criterion for triggering a blocking event is set to 1 event.";

void EventFilter::Preprocess(ProcessingContext &context) {
  // init gate_close_time, but make sure the first event won't be excluded
  // if no blocking event will be received
  gate_close_time_ = Clock::now();
  if (blockout_time_() > 0) {
  n_blocked_events_ = 0;

void EventFilter::Process(ProcessingContext &context) {
  EventType::Data *data_out = nullptr;
  bool alive = false;
  bool detection_criterion = false;
  bool event_received = false;
  SlotType counter_to_detection = 0;
  bool detection_block = false;
  std::size_t slot_last = 0;
  bool gate_just_closed = false;
  TimePoint t_detection;

  std::vector<TimePoint> arrival_times_per_slot_events(
      data_in_port_->number_of_slots(), std::numeric_limits<TimePoint>::min());
  std::vector<uint64_t> arrival_hwTS_per_slot_events(
      data_in_port_->number_of_slots(), 0);

  // not used but needs to be passed
  std::vector<TimePoint> arrival_times_per_slot_blocking_events(
      block_in_port_->number_of_slots(), std::numeric_limits<TimePoint>::min());
  std::vector<uint64_t> arrival_hwTS_per_slot_blocking_events(
      block_in_port_->number_of_slots(), 0);

  // t >= (t_last - time_in_ms) for t in log_n_slots-> how many slots meet
  // criterion? t_last - t <= time_in_ms

  while (!context.terminated()) {
    if (!detection_criterion) {
      // read input port for triggering events
      std::tie(alive, event_received, slot_last) = is_there_target(
          data_in_port_, event_counter_, arrival_times_per_slot_events,

      if (!alive) {

      if (event_received) {
        counter_to_detection = 0;
        for (auto t : arrival_times_per_slot_events) {
          if (time_between(arrival_times_per_slot_events[slot_last], t) <
              sync_time_()) {
        detection_criterion =
            (counter_to_detection >= detections_to_criterion_());
        LOG(DEBUG) << name() << ". Detection criterion met.";

      // read input port for blocking events
      std::tie(alive, detection_block, std::ignore) =
          is_there_target(block_in_port_, blocking_events_counter_,

      if (!alive) {

      if (detection_block) {
        gate_close_time_ = Clock::now();
        detection_block = false;

    if (detection_criterion) {  // check again as flag might have just changed
      t_detection = Clock::now();
      // check if gate is closed
      if (time_since(gate_close_time_) <= blockout_time_()) {
        detection_criterion = false;
        LOG(UPDATE) << name() << ". Target event " << target_event_().event()
                    << " was filtered out.";
      } else {
        // if open, before streaming the event on the output,
        // check if blocking event is coming soon after the target event
        // is received on the "events" port with this dedicated read loop
        // read incoming blocking events for block_wait_time_ms_
        while (time_since(t_detection) < block_wait_time_() &&
               detection_criterion) {
          std::tie(alive, gate_just_closed, std::ignore) =
              is_there_target(block_in_port_, blocking_events_counter_,

          if (!alive) {
          }  // exit inner while loop

          if (gate_just_closed) {
                << name() << ". Target event " << target_event_().event()
                << " was filtered out (blocking event arrived after target).";
            detection_criterion = false;
            gate_close_time_ = Clock::now();
        if (!alive) {
        }  // break outer (context) while loop

        if (!gate_just_closed) {   // no post detection block
          // finally send event
          data_out = data_out_port_->slot(0)->ClaimData(false);
          detection_criterion = false;

void EventFilter::Postprocess(ProcessingContext &context) {
  log_and_reset_counters(data_in_port_->name(), event_counter_);
  log_and_reset_counters(block_in_port_->name(), blocking_events_counter_);

  LOG(INFO) << name() << ". Streamed "
            << data_out_port_->slot(0)->nitems_produced() << " target events.";

  LOG(INFO) << name() << ". " << n_blocked_events_
            << " target events were blocked.";
  n_blocked_events_ = 0;

std::tuple<bool, bool, std::size_t>
EventFilter::is_there_target(PortIn<EventType> *input_port,
                             EventCounter &event_counter,
                             std::vector<TimePoint> &arrival_times,
                             std::vector<uint64_t> &arrival_timestamps) {
  std::vector<EventType::Data *> data_in;
  std::size_t slot_index = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max();
  bool target_received = false;

  for (decltype(input_port->number_of_slots()) s = 0;
       s < input_port->number_of_slots(); ++s) {
    // check if processor is still alive
    if (!input_port->slot(s)->RetrieveDataAll(data_in)) {
      return std::make_tuple(false, false, NULL_TIMESTAMP);

    // check if there is data on any of the slot
    auto nread = input_port->slot(s)->status_read();

    if (nread == 0) {

    if (nread > 1 && !discard_warnings_()) {
      std::string events_list = data_in[1]->event();
      for (auto el = data_in.begin() + 1; el != data_in.end() - 1; ++el) {
        events_list += (", " + (*el)->event());
      LOG(WARNING) << name() << ". " << nread - 1 << " events on port "
                   << input_port->name() << "(" << events_list
                   << ") were discarded.";

    // if there's data, check if it is a target event
    if (*data_in.back() == target_event_()) {
      LOG(DEBUG) << name() << ". Received target event "
                 << target_event_().event() << " on port " << input_port->name()
                 << " slot " << s;;
      arrival_times[s] = Clock::now();
      arrival_timestamps[s] = data_in.back()->hardware_timestamp();
      target_received = true;
      slot_index = s;
    } else {  // non-target event received
      LOG(DEBUG) << name()
                 << ". Received non-target event: " << data_in.back()->event()
                 << " on port " << input_port->name() << " slot " << s;
  // all slots read, no data on any of them
  return std::make_tuple(true, target_received, slot_index);