Ripple detection graph ====================== The graph is divided in two parts : - server-side template - user-side graph The user should called the server-side template and only modified the option is interested on. The graph below is an example : .. code-block:: yaml falcon: version: 1.0 graph: graphs://neuralynx/ripple_detection.yaml options: source: options: address: # Ip address of Cheetah system channelmap: hp: [] # Hippocampus channel to analyze cx: [] # Cortex channel to analyze HIPPOCAMPUS_detector: options: threshold dev: 3 smooth time: 7 # in seconds analysis lockout time: 50 #ms # Post-detection lock-out - remove all detections CORTEX_detector : options: threshold dev: 12 smooth time: 8 # in seconds analysis lockout time: 40 #ms # Stop multiple detections of ripples eventfilter: options: block duration: 40 # Filter out all detections after detecting a "ripple" aka artefact in the cortex signal sync time: 1.5 # Time between two detections to consider it as only one. block wait time: 4 # Filter out all detections arrived before detecting a "ripple" aka artefact in the cortex signal # below 3.5, asynch can occur stimulation_trigger: options: delayed: true event trigger lockout time: # Stop the trigger of events but still are counted in the statistics of the ripple detector period: 250 detection: false # Remove duplicate stimulations stimulation: true # Avoid overstimulation lock-out - analysis lockout time: # Stop artefacts lock-out - Stop the detection in the ripple detector after a stimulation period: 50 starting time: [0] delay range: - 30 - 50 ttl_output: options: port address: # port usb where the arduino is plugged For more information, this is the template graph called in background : .. literalinclude:: ../../resources/graphs/neuralynx/ripple_detection.yaml