.. _MUAData: MUAData ======= General description ------------------- Data packet of the MUAData type describes the multi-unit activity by the frequency of spikes in a bin. Payload details --------------- .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - name - type - description * - mua - double - number of spikes / size of the bin * 1e3 API --- .. doxygenclass:: nsMUAType::Data :members: :undoc-members: Parameters ---------- .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - name - type - description - validation * - bin_size - double (ms) - Input parameter with default value = 0 - needs to be a positive value (>0) * - n_spikes - double - Set separately after initialization of the datatype - .. doxygenstruct:: nsMUAType::Parameters :members: :undoc-members: Capabilities ------------ .. doxygenclass:: nsMUAType::Capabilities :members: :undoc-members: Binary Serialization -------------------- For serialization formats *FULL* and *COMPACT*, if compact format, only the mua data as being the number of spike / size of the bin * 1e3 is serialized. if full format, the number of spikes and the bin size are also sent. YAML Serialization ------------------ For serialization formats *FULL* and *COMPACT*, if compact format: the following YAML is emitted: MUA: [number of spikes / size of the bin * 1e3] if full format: the following YAML is emitted: MUA: [number of spikes / size of the bin * 1e3] n_spikes: [number of spikes (double)] bin_size: [bin size (double)]