.. _EventData: EventData ========= General description ------------------- Data packets of the EventData type hold a string that describes the event. Processors that operate on EventData will usually specify what events they generate on their output ports or what events they expect at their input ports. Payload details --------------- .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - name - type - description * - event - string - event string API --- .. doxygenclass:: nsEventType::Data :members: :undoc-members: Parameters ---------- .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - name - type - description - validation * - event - string - default event string - cannot be empty .. doxygenstruct:: nsEventType::Parameters :members: :undoc-members: Capabilities ------------ .. doxygenclass:: nsEventType::Capabilities :members: :undoc-members: Binary Serialization -------------------- For serialization formats *FULL* and *COMPACT*, the event string is serialized as a 128-byte long string. YAML Serialization ------------------ For serialization formats *FULL* and *COMPACT*, the following YAML is emitted: event: [event string]